
Mixed Tomato-Fruit Relish

Servings: Makes 6 quarts Prep. Time: 25 min prep 2 hours cook Print

   This is a big recipe with lots of different flavors in one relish.


   1  gallon of chopped tomatoes
   3  pears, cored and diced
   3  peaches, seeds removed, and peaches diced
   3  medium onions
   1  sweet red bell pepper
   2  cups sugar
   2  cups vinegar
   1  tsp. salt
1/4  cup pickling spice


   Dice all fruit and add to a large pot with sugar, vinegar and salt.  Make a cheesecloth bag for spices and place in pan with other ingredients.
   Bring mixture to a boil for 5 minutes.  Reduce heat to low and simmer slowly for 2 hours.
   Meanwhile, wash and rinse canning jars and keep in hot water until relish is ready to can.
   Pack relish in sterilized jars, seal and water bath for 5 minutes to make sure they seal.